Thursday, June 25, 2009

Nicolas is 6 today!!!!

June 25th, 2003 Nicolas Shayne was born at 10:54 am. I can't believe he's 6 today. It just flies by. He woke up today and kept finding ways to show me how he is bigger today now that he's 6. It was so funny. We're having a party for him Saturday. Happy Birthday!!!!


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Cami pics!!!

I really can't put into words how precious this baby is! She is SO sweet, can you tell I'm a proud aunt? haha Here's a few of the pics I took at the hospital today.

My step sister Jessica holding her for the first time and my boys checking her out for the first time...

Josh was the only one who wanted to hold her, I stayed right there "helping" though lol...

The look on his face to me says "oh no, you mean I'm not the baby anymore?"

in MY arms :)


all of the kids...

the new mommy and daddy...



daddy time :)


sweet baby girl...



tell me she isn't gorgeous!


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Camdyn is here!

I have a niece...FINALLY! My brother's baby was born today. Camdyn Elizabeth was born early evening today (June 23rd) and stats are 6lbs 4 oz and 21 1/2 in long. She is gorgeous!!!! I can't wait to go back up to the hospital tomorrow to see her again! I will be bringing my camera up there tomorrow so hopefully I can get some pics up soon!

Friday, June 19, 2009

a few pics...

I went through an older folder and found one of my nephew Seth, and thought it was adorable so I just have to post it. :)


The boys were at grandma's house today and they went swimming in her pool for the first time this summer. Josh and Nicolas found they have new talents in the pool so I had to take pictures. Nicolas can now touch the pool without holding on OR and floaties! And Joshua can wear this cool floaty thing and swim around the pool by himself. WoooOOOooo! :D

(although Nicolas is clinging onto the side here he really can do it lol)

And 2 snaps of Zack just cuz he's cute! My mom said he was scared of the big pool so he hung out in the baby pool on the deck. :)



Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Long day!

Dan has been working very hard on our new laundry room. I can't wait until it is finished. Today he grouted. So we have the walls up and painted, floor is now tiled, next comes the base boards then the NEW washer and dryer! He's been working so hard and been so worn out because of it lol. I'm glad this isn't a full time thing for him. I will post pics of the progress soon.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

sick Zachary

If you hadn't already heard, Zachary was in the hospital 2 times last month. He got Stomatitis at the beginning of May. His mouth, lips and throat were full of sores. They were very painful and he wouldn't eat or drink so he got dehydrated. He was admitted for 4 days. Here's a link if you're interested about it

Then at the end of the month (about 2 wks after healing from the first virus) he got another virus. I guess his immune system was weakened by the first virus. This time he had Rotavirus. I've never seen a child throw up and have diarrhea as much as he did. That put him in the hospital for 2 more days. Finally I think we are all healthy. Praise the Lord!

For those of you who were praying for us thank you!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Welcome to our blog!

I've been wanting to do this for a long time and happy to have finally done it! I will (try) to keep this blog up to date so you all can check in when you have time to see what's going on with us. If I start to slack let me know lol.