Sunday, June 7, 2009

sick Zachary

If you hadn't already heard, Zachary was in the hospital 2 times last month. He got Stomatitis at the beginning of May. His mouth, lips and throat were full of sores. They were very painful and he wouldn't eat or drink so he got dehydrated. He was admitted for 4 days. Here's a link if you're interested about it

Then at the end of the month (about 2 wks after healing from the first virus) he got another virus. I guess his immune system was weakened by the first virus. This time he had Rotavirus. I've never seen a child throw up and have diarrhea as much as he did. That put him in the hospital for 2 more days. Finally I think we are all healthy. Praise the Lord!

For those of you who were praying for us thank you!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad everyone is better now! And praying it stays that way :)
